
Monday, May 13, 2013

A Weekend Surprise

Hey party people! I hope your week is off to a roaring start. I'm hoping this week will speed on by, but I have a feeling it might be a bit slow-going. Oh well.

This weekend I made a 48-hour visit to Maryland to attend a surprise engagement party for a friend from high school. Her fiance organized the whole thing, and it worked great! She had no idea, and was so happy and surprised. Her fiance even flew in a couple of her friends from college who live out of state, so he did the thing properly.

high school friends
The party was held at a DC restaurant called Local 16, which featured a bottomless mimosa brunch special that we very much enjoyed. We had our party on the rooftop deck, which was slightly warm and humid, but otherwise very special.

I haven't quite gotten into the taking-pictures-of-food thing yet (if ever...), but I had their 'original pizza' (tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil) and it was delicious. I ate every last bite. I love few things more than well-made restaurant specialty pizza pies. Yum!

the happy {engaged!} couple
I spent the rest of Saturday hanging out with my family, and fell asleep in my parents' bed by 9pm {true life}. Sunday morning included a small Mother's Day celebration, doing some car-related chores, and cleaning out the bookshelf and game closet per my mom's request. Once I was nice and dusty and sneezing, I hit the road back to NC.

It was a lovely weekend - and I am so glad that I was able to be part of this wonderful celebration for YC and CM! She was so genuinely happy to see all of her family and friends there, many from out of town, and celebrate this exciting time in her life. Congratulations, YC!

Question of the Day:
Have you ever organized a surprise party for a friend? Did it work? 

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